Monday 30 January 2012

Week 5 - Dinner Menu

I know I'm starting with week 5 (because it's the 5th week of this year), but I just thought it would be easier for me to put my recipes on my blog then make my grocery list on my computer, print it out and head to the store. I only make dinner and my kids fend for themselves for breakfast and lunch - I only have 2 kids left at home and they are 12 and 15, so they are very capable of feeding themselves.

For breakfast I always have the following things available to them:
pancake mix and syrup or nutella
ingredients for smoothies... frozen fruit, yogurt, blah, blah, blah ;)
muffin mixes
cold cereal

For lunches I keep on hand:
bread for sandwiches
lunch meat, cheese, lettuce, and so forth
stuff for salads
peanut butter and creamy marshmallow (the kids call them fluffer nutters and they love them)
They usually just eat left-overs though.

So on to my menu plan!

Sunday - 1/29 - Linger Long at Church - Left-overs

Monday - 1/30
 Swiss Chicken with green beans

Tuesday 1/31
Cottage Meatloaf with peas

Wednesday - 2/1
Beef Barley Vegetable Soup with Garlic Bread

Thursday 2/2
Chinese Pork Chops with vegetables 

Friday - 2/3
Left Overs

Saturday - 2/4
Eat Out

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